by Isabel Triechel | Apr 20, 2022 | All, Europe, Islamic State, Refugee Law and Policy, U.S. Foreign Policy, United Nations
Over the course of the growth of the Islamic State (IS), almost half of recruited sympathizers were women coming from over 50 nations, globally. Once a part of IS, the roles of these women were varied – some were female fighters and others were simply wives caring for...
by Gabrielle Hangos | Apr 20, 2022 | All, Covid-19, Environment, United Nations
An overlooked, but detrimental element of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the food insecurity faced by millions throughout the United Nations (UN). Food insecurity refers to “a lack of available financial resources for food at the household level.” In 2019, it was...
by Ethan Syster | Apr 19, 2022 | Africa, All, Financial, Healthcare, North America
(image link) The International Monetary Fund’s (“IMF”) current loan programs to support low-income countries (“LICs”) are simply Structural Adjustment Programs (“SAPs”) disguised under new names. These programs, created in response to staunch criticism of the...
by Drew Weisberg | Apr 19, 2022 | All, China, Trade
Preface China is certainly not the only country to flout WTO’s mandates or to engage in protectionist economic policies. Notably, there has been a recent political debate regarding the merit of continued WTO membership in the United States. Furthermore, the United...
by Ritu Boopathy | Apr 18, 2022 | All
In 1996, Life Magazine published an article about Tariq, a 12-year-old boy from Sialkot, Pakistan, who stitched soccer balls for Nike at 60 cents per ball. International media coverage, public outrage, and consumer pressure have forced major multinational corporations...